Thursday, December 16, 2010

Uncharted 3 Demo from Jimmy Fallon

Here's a little break from our regularly scheduled Roegramming for some Eben-related news. Eben's next game, Uncharted 3, was announced this past weekend! Monday night his bosses were on Jimmy Fallon to play a live demo and they played a room that prominently features Eben's fire effects!

Since this blog doesn't usually feature gunfire, I suppose I should warn you before I throw the clip out there: The game is an action-adventure tale (similar to Indiana Jones) with shooting and explosions--nothing too different than what you might see in an action movie, but probably not little-kid friendly. :-)

A PG theatrical trailer can be viewed here:

Check it out:


  1. I want to reconcile my family with that segment, but I'm not sure how.... :-) :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I added a warning and a link to a PG theatrical trailer--all the same special effects, none of the gunfire!

    In the theatrical trailer you can see Eben's partical effects at the very end when, in succession, you see water, then fire, then water again. That's all him. The internet buzz about the effects was intense--the Fallon appearance was done partly to show that yes, this is really what it looks like as you are playing the game live (as opposed to pre-rendered movie scenes.)
