Sunday, August 31, 2008

Daily Gratitude

The nice thing about blogging is you can do it in your pajamas.

Today I am feeling grateful for this blog itself. I started it on a whim while I was pregnant--it just seemed more like a nice, efficient way of announcing the results of doctor's visits, etc. But it has become more than that. It is really an excellent way of keeping Monroe connected with all the special people in her life that are not here in our neighborhood. And it has been a nice way for me to chronicle all the amazing changes in our lives in the past year. Thinking about Monroe's upcoming birthday made me nostalgic, so last night I explored all my old posts and remembered all her precious phases and accomplishments.

For those who'd like to walk down memory lane with me, I've created a new category called "favorites: first year" to show some of my favorite posts from Monroe's first year of life. Sometimes it is the moment or event that the post represents which made that post a favorite, while in other cases it is something about the post itself, like a great photo or an observation that still really strikes me. To see the, you can click on the link in the beginning of this paragraph, or click the "favorites: first year" label under "Find it Here" on the left-hand side of the screen.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

it was NOT indigestion, as a matter of fact

It was at at pretty much exactly this time, one year ago, that I realized the feeling I had been having since 2:00 in the afternoon was most definitely labor of some kind and not indigestion, my imagination, or just plain being huge. (Note, my daughter's birthday is not for another 39 hours or so....)

Funny Ponytail

This is from when my mom was visiting a few weeks ago.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cute cute cute cute cute

Hello. I am very very cute. See?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Daily Gratitude

We got to make a stop at daddy's office after mommy was done with work!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Daily Gratitude

My father, who we joking call The Intermittent Gardener, is here for a
visit. As usual, he is sprucing up our back garden and doing all the
hard stuff we can't do for ourselves. We are so lucky to have his help!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

the joy of sharing toys

At the park, a really friendly 4 year old let Monroe play with her dolly, who had her own dolly-sized stroller. Monroe LOVES dragging, pulling and moving anything big enough to present a challenge. And as you may recall, she loves pushing her own stroller whenever she can. Naturally, she LOVED playing with the dolly stroller. It was so cute that it was even worth the emotional melt-down when we eventually had to leave the park at dinner time

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Daily Gratitude

We dropped Monroe's very favorite book in all the world, "A Mermaid
Swim," while out on a walk. We didn't even know we'd lost it!! But
about an hour later when we were walking home, it caught our eye. A
good Samaritan must have found it laying on the sidewalk or in the
grass and put it in a kid-friendly & easy to spot location near where
we'd let it slip:

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Daily gratitude

The view from my stroller.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

missing my own mommy...

We had 2 wonderful visits with my mother recently (it just worked out better for all of us for her to come for two shorter trips rather than one 10-day affair, so she came for a long weekend, went back home for about 10 days, and then came for another long weekend.)

I would have liked to post about her fun visit sooner, but I got very sick. Barf sick. Sorry to be so explicit, but in my book there is nothing worse than getting too sick to keep medicine down. This probably hasn't happened to me in at least 5 or 6 years, lucky gal that I am. Anyway, between me not being able to get out of bed for a day and a half and Eben having to take off work to take care of Monroe, things around here got a bit out of hand and blogging took a backseat (actually, the backseat was reserved for things like showers and laundry. Blogging was hanging by a thread from the back bumper. For reference, folding our underwear fell of the car and is now hundreds of miles back on the highway, never to be seen again... at least until Monroe and all future children are in college.)

Of course I missed my mother while I was "calling uncle Ralph." Wait, am I weird to find throwing up nostalgic? And is it even weirder that the nostalgia translates into a longing for the comfort of home and family? Now that I think about it, it does sound a bit odd... "Ma, don't take it the wrong way, but I always think of you fondly when I upchuck." I think what I am trying to say is that my helplessness fondly recalled my early dependencies on this earthly world's greatest caretaker: mommy.

So finally I get to post a bit about my mom's fun visit, although I can barely remember what went on because I think I lost some brain cells during all the barfing....

My mom taught Monroe to "luv the doggy" which is what she said whenever Monroe snuggled her little stuffed dog. We did "love the doggy" "luv the baby" and "luv the mommy" all weekend and we still say it whenever she hugs anyone or anything. So cute!

MaMai knows how to stuff a baby! With her patient attention, Monroe ate more (and better) than usual. She really got to liking humus by the end of the weekend, which is great because we're always looking for more veggie protein that we can both feed her and enjoy ourselves!

Monroe's love affair with my mom's sunglasses inevitably led to the cuteness of Roe wearing them herself.

It was a great visit!

I love you mom!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Monroe's first day at the beach

Hours of packing and planning: 2.5
Hours of unpacking and laundry: 1.5
Time in the water: 14 minutes
A day at the beach: timeless

Sunday, August 10, 2008

curly sue

Monroe's hair is starting to really curl up in the back and I got a
good picture of it at the beach today.

bath head

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Monroe got a toy phone from her Mamai who is visiting this weekend and
in playing with the phone she has learned to say "hello." The first
SEVERAL times she said it I chalked it up to chance, but it has become
too well-enunciated and predictable to be a coincidence!

Sent from my iPhone. Yeah, I got one too now.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

what's a word?

People often ask me if Monroe is talking yet, and don't really know what to say. She IS communicating and some of her sounds are very close to words. It all depends on your definition of "words" and "talking." Here are Monroe's most common verbal productions, described in chronological order of first appearance. You can decide which, if any, are "talking" from your point of view.

1) "huh huh huh huh"
This is the oldest word-like sound in Roe's vocabulary. For months, she has used "huh huh huh" (in an urgent tone with reaching or other pleading gestures) to show that she is hungry. It is not a "word" in the traditional sense, but it functions as a word within our family in that it communicates a concept from her mind to mine.

2. "la la la"
This began at the Family Reunion when Monroe was playing with her cousin Elizabeth & her Grandma Nikki. They were singing fun songs with her, including one that said "la la la." When they got to the "la la la" part, Monroe joined right in! Since then, she's continued this and really got a kick out of her MaMai's version of "The Wheels on the Bus" in which every other verse is "the babies on the bus go la la la." It is really cute when she sings along because she often sticks her tongue all the way out of her mouth to make the L sound. This is also not a word in traditional sense, but it allows her to participate in singing with all different people in different contexts, and in that way has a very word-like quality.

3. "arw arfw"
This is the sound Monroe consistently makes anytime she sees a dog. I am not sure where it comes from. She does have a picture book in which dogs say "bow wow wow" and "arf" but we never said it when we saw dogs (until we noticed hew consistently she was doing it. Then we joined in.) Her arfing rose to a word-like level when she was out on a walk with my mother and they passed a friendly pooch. Monroe piped up with"awrf arf" and the dogs owner casually replied, "yep, it is an arf arf dog." So this sound functions as a word because it allowed her to communicate quite clearly with a perfect stranger.

4. "ma ma"
Monroe has been babbling with the syllables "ma" and "da" for some time, without us making much of it. But lately she has seemed to use the right word around the right person more and more often. So I started hamming it up, theatrically calling attention to myself when she said "ma ma," even popping in from the next room when she said it, as if she had been calling for me. Well, last week when her babysitter brought her home from a long afternoon at the park, and when I poked my head around the corner to see her, she looked me right in they eye and said, "Ma Ma!" I smiled and said, "I'm right here" and she stretched out her hand to me and repeated, "ma ma." It was so cute. Eben says this was her "first word" and I guess it does most fully meet the definition.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Milk, cream, cheese, and butter!!!

Great News!!

Monroe is over her dairy allergy!

CHEESE, ICE CREAM, PASTRY, here I come!!!!!

(So far, Monroe's been very sensitive to Casein, a protein found in milk products. We haven't been able to give her any food with milk ingredients of course, and she's been so sensitive that I haven't been able to have any milk, cheese, cream, yogurt, or butter while breastfeeding.)

We've occasionally tested to see if she's still sensitive. I'd consume a very small amount of dairy and we'd watch her for symptoms. Just after our return from The Netherlands, it seemed she was recovered. So I continued to slowly add dairy back into my life and it turns out she's OK!

Of course, I am mostly glad that Monroe won't have a life-long issue with dairy (there was only a small outside chance that she would.) But also, I am selfishly glad for ME that I get to eat an unrestricted diet again!!

my first scoop of ice cream in 10 months:

Friday, August 1, 2008

better late than never...

A late report on the Gilstrap Family Reunion July 11-13 in Onstead, MI. The Gilstraps are our family via Eben's mom, so the weekend was a wonderful chance to catch up with far flung aunts, uncles, and cousins (some of whom hadn't met Monroe!) and to visit with Adam, Naomi, Mom, and Charlie.

Monroe was in baby heaven with so many doting aunts and uncles and delightful fun cousins. The kids of the Gilstrap clan were sweet, fun, and friendly as they gently involved her in their play. Monroe especially had fun with her cousins (technically second cousins or something--I never quite remember the rules for delineating relations) Andrew and Elizabeth! Eben and I couldn't have been more free and relaxed--with so many adults around watching Roe, we were able to relax and even go out canoing on our own.

Monroe LOVED the lake. It's funny, because she goes in the bath every night and neither of us have ever seen her splash. But something about this vast expanse of water make her absolutely splash-crazy. She started slapping almost right away, and couldn't stop splashing even when water was dripping down her head. Aunt Mary & Uncle Paul, our hosts, had this great floatie thing called "fun island" which is like an inner tube with no hole that's big enough for 6 to 8 people. One part of the island has a mesh floor that lets just a few inches of water in--a perfect contained space for a baby to play!
Thanks to Brian and Chris for sharing their great photos! We had a fantastic time and can't wait 'till Gilstraps 2010.