Thursday, September 9, 2010

Report on the first day!

At about 4:00 I arrived to find Monroe with her best friend Olivia (pictured below on Olivia's last day at their old daycare last week.) The two are in different classrooms at Mount Olive, but they get to play together on the playground twice a day! The two were running around in the sandbox playing feed birdseed (sand) to the birds (imaginary).

Monroe brought home two beautiful paintings, nibbled on her lunch, napped, played outside, sat in "circle time" and seemed to have a wonderful first day. She was full of babbly social energy all evening and spent a lot of time talking to "not you mamma, the other kids I am imagining!" We're very happy she had a great day.


  1. I have a feeling that she makes every day a great day! She is so much fun to be around!

  2. She is SO her mother’s daughter. When Melissa was in PreK4 she spent a lot of playground time playing cats and birds with her friends. Some perched on the edge of a railroad tie that divided two slightly different levels of the play ground, pretending to be birds. Others moved slowing toward the ‘birds’, sneaking as close as they could before the birds ‘flew’ away; they were the cats, of course. I know Melissa was the instigator of this cat and bird game because her teacher told me so. Parental pride did abound!
